What Can You Expect?

DarkkFluri Designs is dedicated to providing and reviewing a variety of creative projects and crafty DIYs. My goal is to provide you with 2-3 projects per month.

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Meet the Author…

…well sort of.

I’ll start by addressing the duckface in the room…

That super cute kid in the picture is, in fact, me!

I’m Ashley and I am the creator of DarkkFluri Designs. I wanted a space where I could share my crafting and sewing projects with someone other than my family (although they typically love the items I make; not so much the mess).

A bit more about the ride so far?

I’ve always been attracted to different outlets that I can channel my creativity. It started with writing. As a young girl, I would spend hours creating stories and writing them down on whatever scrap of paper I could find. But like most sensitive writers, I squirreled my work away and refused to show anyone what I was working on. Clearly, this is not an issue anymore!

Like most creative souls, I’ve tried my hand at a bit of everything to see what sticks. I’m a perfectly capable Pictionary artist, a moderate abstract painter (I mean, it’s really hard to mess that up), a decent photographer, a cookie-cutting sculptor, and a fast-learning seamstress.

About eight years ago, I received my first sewing machine and my crafting addiction soared to new heights. I had finally found my niche. I started with blankets for my kids and then made my first hideous attempt at a dress for my daughter. Since then, I have consumed hours of YouTube, blogs, and tutorials to help me become a better seamstress. Today, I have no problem constructing wardrobes for myself or my family.

I’m very excited to take this journey with you and I hope you will come back for more.


P.S. This is the hardest page in the world to write and may change from time to time. I despise writing about myself!

Last Updated: November 2020