Privacy Policy…


This blog is a personal blog that is written and managed by me Ashley DeFluri. For questions about this blog please refer to me. You can contact me here.

Your privacy is extremely important to me. This page is dedicated to describing how your personal information is collected and how it is used.

How I am compensated

This blog may contain affiliate links, paid sponsorships, and other forms of compensation for brands, merchants, and materials that I have tried and tested on this site. By clicking on any affiliate link or advertisement located throughout this site, the owner (me) may be paid a small percentage of the sale (if a purchase is made). You are not obligated in any way to click on any link or purchase any products or services that are advertised.

Per the FTC guidelines, this website may be compensated by companies mentioned through advertising, affiliate programs, or otherwise. Any reference to a third-party site, product, rate, or website is subject to change without notice. Please research before participating in any third party offers.

Even though I may receive compensation for a product, the owner (me) always gives an HONEST evaluation of the product, material, etc. The thoughts, opinions, and actions expressed on this blog belong to the owner (me). Any questions about a product or service should be referred to and verified by the provider or company in question.

How information is collected and used

Like many other websites, uses a log file. These files simply log visitors to the site-this is standard procedure for Square Space’s hosting services analytics. For more information about how Square Space uses this information click here. In short, we do not sell, rent, or trade your information to third parties unless otherwise expressed in this privacy policy.

DarkkFluri Designs has the discretion to change these policies at any time; however if a change is made, an updated timestamp with being changed at the bottom of this document.

Your acceptance of these terms

By using this site, you agree to our privacy policy. If for any reason you are uncomfortable with how your information is being used, please refrain from using this site. Your continued use of this site following any changes to this privacy policy will be deemed as your acceptance of those changes.

Last Updated:

December 2020